Myriad Mobile, a mobile software development company located in downtown Fargo will be presenting to us! The representatives from Myriad will talk about what fields they impact, how they work with a client, develop a mobile application, and why they are “Masterfully Mobile.”
We are three weeks away from our new yearly election dates of April 10th and April 11th! If you or someone you know is a highly motivated individual, works well in a team, is willing to work with and learn from the current officers, and interested in computer science or a computer science major please nominate them by contacting any of the officers.
Kyle Fiala, Bell Bank Software Engineer and MSUM Alumni, will be presenting with the President. The workshop will focus on using git through the command line, adding code, committing the code, and working through merge conflicts. If you would like to know more, there is a list of all the commands on the website at and we will be willing to go through it later in the Linux Lab.
If you do then you should vote on the current MSUM ACM Constitutional Amendments here. Vote in favor by checking the box, and not in favor by leaving the box blank. Remember to log into Dragon Central!