Have you ever thought of computers being so fast that any program could be run in a split second and artificial intelligence (like in the Iron Man movie series) were possible? Right now it may just seem like a twinkle in the eye of an optimistic visionary, but it may just be more possible than one might think. With the isolation of graphene in 2004 at the University of Manchester, the dream of faster and smaller built computers may soon possible. But how will this new isolate of carbon drastically change computer processors and how much different is it compared to the past and present computer processors?
A— layout: article title: “An interview with John Schneider, founder of Fargo’s MELD Workshop” date: 2014-02-18 11:45:50 author: “Sri Kadimisetty, Senior & Justin Tuchek, Senior” minutes-to-read: 13 categories: article —